Book recommendations
We are working on a personal book recommendation system. This questionary consists of 15 questions and will take about 10 minutes
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How many books did you read in last 12 months? *
Please count books in any format (physical, e-books or audio) which you were reading not necessary had finished.  
How do you maintain your "to-read" list? *
How many books do you have in your "to-read" list? *
What book are you reading now? *
Who recommended this book to you? *
If several people recommend this particular book choose all corresponding options.
How satisfied are you with a choice of this book? *
Please rate how this book suits you (your taste, current interests, and your emotional state).
Not my book
Best match ever
How often have you stopped reading a book without finishing it in last 12 months? *
Where do you get book recommendations? *
Who recommends you books which you've being reading last 12 months. You can choose multiple sources.
What is your most trusted source for recommendations? *
Out of the books you've read last 12 months
How long does it take to find a book to-read? *
Please give a rough figure of your total time for watching video about books, listening book related podcasts, reading book reviews & ratings, book club time and personal discussions about books.
Do you give book recommendations to others? *
Please choose Yes if you gave book recommendation at least once in last 3 months (any form counted: personally, online, blog, podcast, etc).
Where are you living now? *
Are you willing to participate in 10 minutes zoom interview with Denis Stark (founder of the startup) about book recommendations in your life? Please leave your contact if so. *
Please leave your name
Please leave your contact (email, whatsapp, telegram)
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