Stark Lab Study Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in participating in our research! Your help here is a vital part of our work in trying to figure out how memory works and how we can better diagnose and treat memory impairments, age-related memory loss, and dementia.

Please note that there often are specific eligibility requirements for each study. We will contact you to tell you if you are eligible and to provide you more information and discuss any questions you may have. If you are interested, but do not meet these requirements, we won't be able to include you this time, but we will ask you if you'd like to be contacted for future studies.
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Memory Testing Study

The Stark Lab Memory Research Group is investigating how repeated practice may or may not improve performance on a memory test over time. Here, participants will complete an online memory task, once a week for 4 weeks. We are interested in how simply completing the test over time may result in improved performance, similar to how simply practicing for the SAT or ACT can improve test scores. We will simply e-mail a link to the task for you each week and you complete it from home in just 15 minutes each session.

If you are interested in participating please continue to fill out the rest of this form.
First Name *
Last Name *
Age *
Do you currently have any cognitive/neurological disorders or impairments? *
To ensure you are not a bot, please select the option "I am not a robot" *
Do you have a reliable computer and internet access? *
As an extra step of precaution against bots, please read the following passage and answer below: Tom had four grapes, while Nick had 2 apples, but Paul had 7 oranges. Who had the oranges? *
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