Last Call College Ambassador Interest Form
Recent reports show almost half of college students across the U.S. struggle to afford regular meals.
This is happening while 40% of all food produced in the U.S. is wasted.

Our mission is to connect university communities with affordable, quality meals, and help food partners sell out instead of throw out.

To learn more, please visit our website:, and check out our Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter: @lastcallforfood
Part One: Personal Information
What college, university, or community are you from? *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Which best describes your current role? *
If a student, please indicate graduation year and intended field of study. If other, please indicate your title. *
Part Two: Chapter Details
How did you hear about us? Why do you want to bring Last Call to your campus? *
Current Campus Climate: Tell us about any resources on campus that already exist for students facing food insecurity (if you are aware of any). For example, is there a food pantry? Is there available data on student food insecurity on your campus? *
Current Campus Climate: Tell us about any sustainability initiatives on your campus relating to waste management. Does your campus recycle, compost, have a sustainability office? *
Building a Community of Support: A key step in establishing a Last Call chapter is showing support from different stakeholders in order to get approval from Dining. Have you done anything so far related to building campus support? If not, which campus figures would you want to engage and how would you reach out to appeal to them? *
Who is your school's food service provider? *
What type of time commitment are you able to give to working with Last Call? *
What personal/technical skills, experience, or passions do you have that will benefit our mission? *
Anything else you'd like to share?
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