Asian Board Games Festival Registration Form
Information we need from you the publisher to reserve a booth for the Asian Board Game Festival 2022, Nov 26-27.

For more information about the festival, please see here:
Publisher Name *
Publisher Country and City *
Publisher website and social media *
Contact person name and email address *
How many tables do you require? 

Each table is 3 x 6 feet, and comes with 4 chairs. Each table will be for the duration of the whole fair (10am-7pm 26-27 November). Each table costs $400 SGD ($200 SGD for non-Singaporean publishers to help defray travel costs). Payment is required for the reservation of your slot, and needs to be done by the 7th of November 2022.

Tables will be primarily for demonstrating/teaching games to the public.  However, there will be space for any type of standing displays and standing banners are encouraged. If you are demoing more than one game, you are encouraged to display a time schedule so the public knows when to look out for the different games.

Game sets will be placed in a central booth. The sales booth will take a 10% commission to pay for manpower. 

If you need manpower (at cost) to man your booth, please let us know at
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How many people will be coming from your company?
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Do you require accommodation? If yes, we will send you a promo code to book at our partner hotel, lyf one-north, which is a 3 minute walk from the event venue. Note that we have no benefit from this besides helping you find a place to stay.
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Do you have a company stamp? This is for stamping visitor passports after they have played your games. If not, we will charge you a nominal fee to make one. 
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Will you be attending our industry networking dinner on the 25th evening (details to come)?
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Will you be attending our industry games night on the 28th evening (details to come)?
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This form is a reservation of your tables at the ABGF, but to complete the registration, you will need to send us the following (to
1. Your company logo in a digital file (jpg/png), 1000x1000px
2. 100-150 word write up about the company
3. 100-150 word write up about game designers (if coming)
4.  List of game titles you are bringing to showcase and sell, and prices in SGD

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