"SilkSavants" Youth Leadership Summit application
The "SilkSavants" is the first leadership summit among the youth held in Karakalpakstan. The Summit goes beyond conventional leadership training by providing a comprehensive and immersive experience that resonates deeply with each participant. Through a carefully curated curriculum, participants are guided through a journey of self-discovery, exploration, and empowerment.

This transformative program places a strong emphasis on experiential learning, encouraging participants to actively engage in hands-on activities that challenge their perspectives and push them out of their comfort zones. Whether it's through team-building exercises, simulations, or real-world projects, every aspect of the program is designed to inspire growth and development.

Full Name *
Phone number *
Telegram Username *
City *
School *
Date of birth *
What grade are you in? *
Email *
Why do you want to participate in the summit? (minimum 600 characters) *
What are some of your leadership achievements or practices? (minimum 600 characters) *
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