2022 School Counseling Summer Needs
In order to prepare our summer content we ask that you complete this survey. Please provide feedback on topics you would like to see addressed, the content delivery format that works best for you, and your most significant needs. We also appreciate you letting us know how we can change/adjust to better support you.

Thank you for your valuable feedback to help better support the opportunities we offer!

*This survey is anonymous so please feel comfortable providing your honest feedback.
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What level do you currently support? *
What do you consider to be your most significant areas of need for the summer in terms of training and support? *
Delivery of Content: What delivery method do you prefer for Summer 2022? (Select all that apply.)     *
Do you plan to attend Face to Face sessions this summer? (ie. Region 10 Workshops) *
What time of day is most convenient for you to participate in sessions? *
Would you participate in a New Counselor Academy if offered this summer? *
If you would participate in the New Counselor Academy this summer, please expand here on what format, frequency, and content you would be looking for within this academy.
What other ways would you like us to support you this summer?
How many Region 10 counseling sessions have you attended in Spring 2021? *
How well did the Region 10 Counseling offerings meet your needs this year? *
Was there anything you especially enjoyed in the past that you would like to see again? If so, please describe below.
Do you find the monthly Counselor Conversations newsletter informative and helpful? *
Is there anything you would add or change on our newsletter?
Please provide any other feedback you would like to share.
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