Chalkboard Christmas Concert Recital
Dear Parent,

This December, Chalkboard is having a Christmas Concert Recital featuring a special guest artist. Make your Christmas merrier with music!

Enroll in our 2-month music program and perform with Tiktok Sensation, Mona Gonzales! Get your kids ready to sing and play instruments just in time for the holidays.

Complete the 2-month program for only 399 USD, or 359 USD ($15/hour) if you enroll now!

Program starts October 2022.

Please fill out the enrollment form below. After submitting this form, an invoice will be sent to your email along with the payment instructions. For further inquiries, please email

Best regards,

Chalkboard Team

Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Name of Parent *
Email Address *
Contact Number *
Name of Learner *
Age of Learner *
Choose a lesson you want to take (Choose only 1) *
Pick your schedule. You may select two or more timeslots based on your availability.
AM Session Schedule (Times shown are in Eastern Time)
PM Session Schedule (Times shown are in Eastern Time  )
How did you know about our program? *
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