Exploring the Phenomenon of Quiet Quitting Among Gen X in the Era of Technological Integration in the Philippine Media Industry
Good day! We are Sonya Go, Eddrick Costes, Tanya De Borja and Luis Morente from DLSU Manila. We're conducting a study on the phenomenon of quiet quitting among Generation X employees in the Philippine media industry, focusing on how technological integration impacts their work experience for our thesis. We aim to explore various factors, including autonomy, competence, and relatedness, to understand this trend better. Your participation is invaluable, and we assure you that all responses will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. No personal information will be disclosed, and the data will only be used for the purpose of this research. Thank you for your contribution!

To be qualified to answer this survey, you should be :
(1) Ages 44-59 years old
(2) from Metro Manila
(3) Working in the Media Industry

For any questions you may send us an email:

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