RSVP - Breaking Down Racial Barriers Roundtable Series 
Join Alberta Music and Breaking Down Racial Barriers on Tuesday May 30th, 2023 & Thursday June 1st, 2023 6:00-7:30pm MST / 8:00-9:30pm EST for our virtual roundtable series on anti-Black and systemic racism, and strengthening the Alberta Music IndustryEach event will begin with a panel discussion led by key community members and the Breaking Down Racial Barriers team. A roundtable discussion will follow each panel conversation. Conversations will focus on issues and barriers facing Black artists and music practitioners in Alberta, with emphasis on Edmonton, Calgary and surrounding areas.

You are welcome to attend one or both virtual sessions. Each session will host different panelists.

Please RSVP to confirm your spot at this important event. This is a virtual event. Prior to the event you will receive an email from Alberta Music with details on how to access the Zoom event. 

Please note these sessions will be recorded in support of a final Breaking Down Racial Barriers x Alberta Music report. 
Contact Name: *
Artist/Company Name: *
Email Address: *
Select your industry role(s) *
Jāaizpilda obligāti
Which event are you attending? *
Are you an Alberta Music Member? (you do not have to be a current active member to attend these sessions) *
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