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Laura Mai Marketing
Welcome! Please fill out the below form to see if you qualify to work with me.
Looking to work with honest, hardworking and kind people, if that's you, keep scrolling!
* Indicates required question
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Do you make
$120,000 + in income (personal brand) or
$1 million + in annual revenue (for businesses)
1 point
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Can you (or whoever the leadership in your company is) dedicate 10 hours each month to content creation?
1 point
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What are the main issues you are facing?
1 point
Your answer
Where do you want to be in 12 months?
1 point
Your answer
What does success look like for you?
1 point
Your answer
Are you the main decision maker for your company?
1 point
Your answer
On a scale of 1-7, how good is your social media
1 point
1 - don't post/ non existent
2 - post infrequently
3 - post frequently
4 - post frequently with strategy OR engagement
5 - post frequently with strategy AND engagement
6 - post frequently with strategy AND engagement AND Ad Strategy OR Extra Accounts
7 - post frequently with strategy AND engagement AND Ad Strategy AND Extra Accounts
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What might be a deal breaker for you?
1 point
Your answer
Why do you want to work with me?
1 point
Your answer
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