EJCA Spring Haiku Poetry Contest 2024
As our beautiful Plum Tree at the EJCA Centre in Edmonton begins to flower this Spring are we once again delighted to invite you to submit entries for our EJCA Haiku Contest 2024 - which is now the third 'annual' event of its kind.

梅が香に 追いもどさるる 寒さかな - Matsuo Bashō
"The scent of Ume blossoms
is chasing back,
the cold weather."

How do you see the spring?
What have you noticed, experienced?
What characterizes Spring for you?
What place, what mood comes to mind?

But what is a Haiku? What makes it differ from other poems?
We recommend that you take a good read through this checklist:

How to participate:

Choose a suitable seasonal words that reflects 'Spring' and write a haiku and submit it to us.

We accept:

 -Unpublished Haiku

 -Haiku with your choice of a seasonal word of 'Spring'

 -and up to two haiku per person

Prizes (in CAD) will be awarded in the following categories (depending on number of submissions, we may collapse or change some categories):

  • Haiku in Japanese: Best overall $30, Second best overall $20
  • Haiku in English: Best overall $30, Second best overall $20
  • Best Haiku by someone 16 years and younger: $30

Use this form to register for the Contest and submit your works, whether in English or/and Japanese,

by June 22 2024, end of day (Mountain Time, MDT).

We are looking forward to your haiku!

202 4年度エドモントン日本文化協会 春の俳句大会

-参加資格 -EJCA会員である必要はなく、どなたでも応募できます。



兼題 -ご自分で選んだ春の季語



俳句部門(日本語部門)優秀賞賞金30ドル 準優秀賞 賞金20ドル

三行詩部門(英語部門)優秀賞賞金30ドル 準優秀賞 賞金20ドル



haiku@ejca.org までご連絡ください。

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name (名前) *
Last Name (姓) *
Your email address (メールアドレス) *
We will use this one to communicate with you.
Age category (年齢グループ) *
If you are 16 and under, you will be eligible to compete for the "Brightest Young Poet" prize.
Are you an EJCA Member (EJCA会員であるか)? *
It is not mandatory to be a member in order to participate, but we would like to know - to be able to reach out accordingly.
Country of Residence
We could love to know where you are contacting us from. Our 2022 and 2023 events had many international poets joining!
(どこの国から参加されているか教えていただけると嬉しいです。2022/ 2023   年度にはたくさんの国からの参加がありました。)
How did you hear about this event? What made you participate?
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