Snowcast Showdown: Data Approval Request Form
This form is to request additional data sources to be approved for inference in the Snowcast Snowdown challenge (

As a reminder, only pre-approved data sources are allowed for generating predictions during real-time evaluation. If you would like any additional sources to be approved for use during inference, you are welcome to submit an official request form below, and the challenge organizers will review the request. Only select sources that demonstrate a strong case for use will be considered.
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Email *
DrivenData username or team name *
What is the name of the specific data source you would like to be approved? *
Provide a brief summary and link to the data source. *
Please describe how the data is produced reliably by an operational data product, and is freely and publicly available at the time of inference to all participants. Provide any documentation or scripts for accessing the data on an ongoing basis (feel free to include links). *
Please describe any inputs into the data source, and confirm that the data source does not incorporate any reference-grade surface monitor data. *
Please explain how the data source provides clear value beyond the existing approved sources, including any empirical results from model development. *
Any other notes or comments for reviewing this request?
Thank you!
The challenge organizers will review your request. Any approved sources will be announced to all participants through the challenge website. Thanks for all your hard work on the challenge so far, and good luck!
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