Parent Feedback Survey March 2024
Please help us gather important information by filling out this survey and encouraging all Gila Crossing Stakeholders to do so as well.
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How many students do you presently have attending Gila Crossing Community School? *
What do your students LIKE about our school? If you don't know, please ask them. (Please write as much as you want) *
What do your students NOT LIKE about our school? If you don't know, please ask them. (Please write as much as you want)
How can we better COMMUNICATE with families about important issues and events?  (Please write as much as you want) *
We know one key to student success is their engagement in school. What suggestions do you have to increase STUDENT engagement in school?  (Please write as much as you want) *
We know another key to student success is parent engagement in their student's school experience. What suggestions do you have to increase PARENT engagement in school?  (Please write as much as you want)
If you have student's who have promoted from Gila Crossing, how can we better prepare them for high school? (If you don't have a promoter, feel free to skip this question)
Do we have your current contact information, both email and phone? If you are unsure, please reach out to the front office. *
Does the school have your most current and accurate email address, if available? If no, or you are not sure, please call 520-550-4834 and give the front office staff that information.
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