OLMC Volunteer Spotlight Nomination Form
Many hands make light work.  We would like to take a moment to highlight some of the AMAZING volunteers we are blessed to have in our school community.  Please take a moment to nominate someone to be spotlighted.

Thank you!
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
Email Address *
Nominee Name *
Volunteer work/positions at the school/church? *
Why do you think they are amazing? *
Additional comments?
Your Name? *
Your Phone Number
"Alone we can do so little.  Together we can do so much" - Helen Keller
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이 설문지는 Our Lady of Mt Carmel Catholic Church 내부에서 생성되었습니다. 악용사례 신고