Ecological Impact of the Szadułki Landfill
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How would you rate the odor emitted from the landfill? *
It does'nt smell
It smells terribly
Are you familiar with the Szadółki landfill and it's operations? *
How did you first learn about the landfill? *
How would you rate the overall environmental condition of the area near the Szadółki landfill?
Do you think the Szadułki landfill contributes to long-term ecological risks, such as habitat destruction or climate change impacts in the region? *
Do you think enough is being done to mitigate the environmental impact of the landfill? *
How satisfied are you with the waste management and recycling efforts in the region? *
Very satisfied
Very diissatisfied
What is your general thought on the Szadółki Landfill?
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