Diversity of Music in Advertising Survey
I am a Master's Degree student at Berklee College of Music and I am working on my dissertation research paper to determine the diversity and inclusion of music in advertising.  This anonymous and voluntary survey will help us better understand the general publics perception of the use of music in advertising and access whether or not music is diverse and inclusive in broadcast advertising

Purpose of this study: To gain a better understanding of how music is used in advertising and how it impacts consumers. We will use this data to help educate the advertising and music industry executives involved in the decision making around music in ads and on the reality of what type of music is being used and whether it is truly diverse and inclusive.

What will you do? This survey will ask you questions about broadcast advertising you have seen over the last few weeks. You will then be asked to answer a series of questions.  The questions will ask about your identity, the industry you work in, and your observations of the advertisements you will watch as well as general questions about music in advertising.  

How long will it take? 5-10 minutes

Compensation: None

Use of research: The data I gather in this survey will be used within my research paper and potentially be published as a means of helping quantify whether or not music in advertising is diverse and inclusive. Your data may be shared with other researchers. You might not be told specific details about these future research studies.

Confidentiality and Data Security
We’ll collect the following identifying information for the research: email address, education, gender, and sexual orientation. This information is necessary to keep track of the sample size of each identifying category (age, gender, sexual orientation, industry work in, etc.)

Where will data be stored? On the researchers’ computers and on the servers for the online survey software (Google Forms).

How long will it be kept? 12 months

Who can see my data?
We (the researchers) will have access to identifiable (with your name included) information. This is so we can analyze the data and conduct the study.
Agencies that enforce legal and ethical guidelines, such as The Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Berklee College of Music
We may share our findings in publications or presentations. If we do, the results will be aggregate (grouped) data, with no individual results. If we quote you, we’ll use pseudonyms (fake names) if so desired and where applicable.

Possible benefits:
You will help us understand more about the current state of the music in advertising.
You will help us determine whether or not music is diverse and inclusive in advertising.

Some questions may be personal. You can select the option (prefer not to say) or quit the survey at any time.
Online data being hacked or intercepted: Anytime you share information online there are risks. We’re using a secure system to collect this data, but we can’t completely eliminate this risk.
Breach of confidentiality: There is a chance your data could be seen by someone who shouldn’t have access to it. We’re minimizing this risk in the following ways:
      o We’ll store all electronic data on a password-protected, encrypted computer.
      o We’ll keep your identifying information separate from your research data, but we will be able to link it to you. We’ll destroy this link after we finish collecting and analyzing the data.

Questions about the research, complaints, or problems: Contact Heather Cook at hcook4@berklee.edu.

Questions about your rights as a research participant, complaints, or problems: Contact the Berklee College of Music IRB (Institutional Review Board) at 617-747-6959 / BerkleeIRB@berklee.edu

Agreement to Participate:
Your participation is completely voluntary, and you can withdraw at any time.
To take this survey, you must be:
At least 18 years old

If you meet this criteria and would like to take the survey, click the button below to start.

Thank you for your time and participation in the survey!

Email *
1. In thinking about broadcast advertisements you've scene in the last 6-8 weeks, what commercials (brands) do you remember watching? *
2. Did the commercials you watched use music that you like? *
3.  Was the music used in the ads from a diverse music genre that originates from BIPOC led culture?    *
4. Was the music used performed by a BIPOC (Black, indigenous, people of color)? Answer yes if the main artist, featured artist, or main producer credited is BIPOC.  *
5. Was the music used performed by an artist who is LGBTQ+?  Answer yes if the main artist, featured artist, , or main producer credited is LGBTQ+.   *
6.  Do you like the music that was used in these ads? *
7. Will you buy this product in the commercial? *
8.  What song or type of music would you recommend these brands use in their commercials? Why? *
9.   Do you believe advertisers understand the type of music you like? *
10.    Do you believe music in advertising is diverse?  *
11.  How would you recommend advertisers improve the use of diverse music in advertising?       *
12.   What is your favorite genre of music?      *
13.   What is your favorite playlist or radio station to listen to?       *
14.   What is your favorite song?       *
15.   Who is your favorite artist?       *
16.  What is your race/ethnicity?      *
17.   How old are you?      *
18.  What is your sexual orientation?     *
19.  What is your gender?   *
20.   What industry do you work in?      *
21.   What is your job title?      *
22.    What is the highest level of education you have received?       *
23. How many commercials did you watch?       *
24.   Additional comments about music in advertising?  *
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