Flame Comics Recruitment Form
➤ Please only apply if you have the time to dedicate to our team (a minimum of 3 chapters a week). Availability to participate in speedruns is highly recommended but not required.

➤ For general questions about recruitment, please contact us by Discord.
Discord link: https://flamecomics.com/dc
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Your Name *
Your Discord Tag *
Example: @username#1000
If your tag has been updated to with one with no digits, put #1000 after your username. Create a ticket in our Discord if your tag or username changes so we can update your application.
Your Email *
Your Sex *
Your Age *
Your Time Zone *
For map of time zones, check this: https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/. Example: KST (GMT+9)
Position(s) you're applying for *
Flowchart and description of job positions: https://files.catbox.moe/xybm7i.png
Your availability *
Amount of chapters you can do in a week *
Are you able to participate in speedruns? *
Speedruns start at 10pm or 11pm KST, weekly.
Experience *
Experience is not required. If you are currently active in another group, please write down the position and group name.
Tell us about yourself *
Example: How you got to know us, what series from us you read, your hobbies, etc.
Link to your test answers *
Tests for available positions can be found here: https://flamecomics.com/recruitment/. Upload your test to Google Drive and paste the shareable link below. For KTLs, put [N/A].
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