Art & Design Comprehensive Exam
Directions: Please read each question and its answers carefully. Some questions will have more than one answer that sounds correct; pick the best possible answer. You must complete the exam in one session, so please ensure you have enough time to complete the entire test. Feel free to use scrap paper.
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Space, texture, and value are *
1 point
Asymmetrical refers to *
1 point
Making one area stand out in a design is known as *
1 point
Another name for the horizon line is *
1 point
Creates the illusion of objects going back into space *
1 point
A small sketch used for planning designs is known as a *
1 point
The empty space around shapes or forms is known as *
1 point
A technique that uses straight lines meeting at a single vanishing point *
1 point
A line has *
1 point
Colors opposite each other on the Color Wheel are called *
1 point
Pencil, pen and ink, paint, oil pastels, and clay are called *
1 point
In perspective drawing, distant objects appear *
1 point
The most basic element of art is *
1 point
Artwork made from non-living things is called *
1 point
A method used to make art is known as *
1 point
Red, Yellow and Blue are *
1 point
Black, brown and gray are *
1 point
To create means to produce art works from *
1 point
Design Principles include the following: *
1 point
A composition is the way in which art ____________ are arranged in art work *
1 point
Sculpture and pottery are examples of *
1 point
Examples of media in art include
1 point
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The art element that describes the surface quality of an object is *
1 point
Black and white used next to each other is an example of *
1 point
Yellow, yellow-orange, orange, and red are examples of *
1 point
When you make a contour drawing, you draw only the ________ of objects *
1 point
A work of art that represents a view of natural scenery is called a *
1 point
An artwork that shows the likeness of a person is called a *
1 point
A drawing containing a simple square shape to represent a house is called *
1 point
Rotation is a type of *
1 point
A color scheme made up of three colors equally spaced on the Color Wheel is called *
1 point
_______________ creates a mood like the beat of music or dancing *
1 point
TRUE OR FALSE: ________A repeating decorative design is called a pattern. *
1 point
TRUE OR FALSE: A shape is an area enclosed by a square. *
1 point
TRUE OR FALSE: Different combinations of color are called color schemes. *
1 point
TRUE OR FALSE: Radial balance shows elements arranged around a central point. *
1 point
TRUE OR FALSE: Crosshatching, blending, and overlapping are examples of media *
1 point
TRUE OR FALSE: A tint is a color mixed with white to create a lighter color *
1 point
TRUE OR FALSE: In a blind contour drawing, you may not look at the object you are drawing *
1 point
TRUE OR FALSE: Originality is the ability to think or create in a new and unique way. *
1 point
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