Cal South State Cup Review
The purpose is to have you review the Cal South State Cup Rules and get familiar with them. and click on 7v7 and 9v9 Modifications and the Rules.

There is no passing grade, after you complete the quiz review any questions you have missed.

Those that did not review the Rules scored on average 11 correct out of 20 and those that reviewed the rules scored 16 out of 20.

Email Address to be the same as Cal South Registration

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Primary Association you receive State Cup assignments
State Cup Rules Review

Questions with CIRCLES have one answer.  
Questions with SQUARES may have multiple answers.  SELECT ALL THE ANSWERS THAT ARE CORRECT.

Credit is only given for correct answer(s), no partial credit (this is a function of Google Quiz).

If you are uncertain on a question check the State Cup Rules ( and click on Rules), use the SEARCH function.
1. Game length for 11U and 12U shall be two 25 min. halves *
1 point
2. Heading is NOT permitted in which of the following Age Groups? *
1 point
3. Build Out Line will be used on all 7v7 and 9v9 small-sided games *
1 point
4. The home team is listed first in the schedule and shall … *
1 point
5. Will you let an Administrator who holds a current Cal South Member pass with a USSF Coaching license be the sole coach of a team during a State Cup game? *
1 point
6. Prior to each game, each team must present to the referee which of the following: *
1 point
7. A Coach or Administrator may review the Team Game Roster form and player passes of his/her opponent at the end of the game to file a protest. *
1 point
8. Referees are paid on the field.  Each team is responsible for one-half of the official‘s game fees. *
1 point
9. Which is true regarding players equipment? *
1 point
10. The coach and manager shall be held accountable for the conduct of their spectators. *
1 point
11. Who is permitted in the team's technical area? *
1 point
12. A player that sustains a head injury shall be removed from the game and his/her player pass card will be held. *
1 point
13. Which of the following are true regarding player eligibility? *
1 point
14. Goalkeepers shall wear a numbered jersey and it shall be listed on the Game Roster. *
1 point
15. Which of the following represent a Referee conflict of interest? *
1 point
16. Which of the following are to be given to the site tournament officials (Referee Coordinator) at the conclusion of each game? *
1 point
17. The referee may show a Yellow Card (Caution) and/or RED card to a coach. *
1 point
18. When are you required to check in with the Referee Coordinator? *
1 point
19. Which of the following is NOT appropriate attire when checking in with the Cal South State Cup Referee Coordinator? *
1 point
20. Which company is a Cal South sponsor?   *
1 point
Did you refer to Cal South's State Cup Rules to complete this review? *
0 points
Did you find this Review helpful?  If so, how did it benefit you? *
Do you have any questions at this time?
Thank you for completing this Review.
There is no passing grade, review any questions you have missed.

This is an opportunity to review the Cal South State Cup Rules so you can control and manage your games correctly.  

7 Jan 17 - created
6 Jan 18 - updates to age divisions
16 Jan 19 - Updated for 2018-19 Season
14 Jan 20 - Updated for 2019-20 Season
19 Jan 22 - Updated for 2022
17 Jan 24 - Updated for 2024

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