Artemis Canada - Experience Survey
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your experience and feedback. Your support and valuable feedback helps us continue to grow and improve our services.

If you've been happy with our services, please consider referring us to others in your network, and connect your referral to the Artemis Consultant you've worked most closely with. We are grateful that your referrals have helped us maintain our commitment to excellence and serve more fantastic tech companies. 
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Please provide your name: *
Are you a past or current client or candidate?

To clarify,
Client refers to any role you may have played in hiring a candidate into your organization while partnered with Artemis. 

Candidate refers to having had conversations with Artemis consultants related to a new role or opportunity; this may have resulted in a new role, an interview process, or having us keep an eye out for you in the market!
Please tell us about your experience working with Artemis, including but not limited to your overall satisfaction, the effectiveness of our communication and support, and the quality of our service. *

We love learning and improving. Do you have any constructive feedback to share?

Do you consent to your feedback being shared in our marketing efforts?  *
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