Fun Quiz

Through a fun quiz, we'd like to assess your foundational understanding of literacy and numeracy. The quiz will consist of a series of questions covering various aspects of foundational literacy and numeracy. This quiz is designed to make the learning process enjoyable and engaging. So, don't worry if you find some questions challenging – just do your best! Please note that participants will not receive any prizes for completing this quiz. This is just the beginning of our journey together towards enhancing foundational literacy and numeracy skills among our students.

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1.What are the five main things you teach when helping learners learn to read?     
1 point
2.  How many basic sounds are there in the English Alphabetic code?                           *
1 point
3. The counting bead string  can be most extensively used for
1 point
Captionless Image
4. Which of the following is the best explanation to teach quantification of 34?     
1 point
5. Puzzles and jigsaws can be used for
1 point
6. Why is it important to teach learners new words when they're learning to read?
1 point
7. Understanding stories can help develop
1 point
8. Data handling
1 point

9. To teach the word sheep, a teacher uses flashcards.Which is the correct option that she must use?                                                                                          

1 point
10. What's a good way to teach kids to add and subtract?
1 point

11. Dominos can we used by a teacher to gauge learners’ understating about  FLN

1 point
12. Which activity helps learners develop fluency in Maths?                                 
1 point
13. What can be a successful intervention strategy to support a struggling student's literacy or numeracy development
1 point
14. Why do we teach letter names in English? 
1 point
15. Ms Shama discovers that learners remember concepts that are done with songs and rhymes.Why do you think this happens?                                                            
1 point
16. Which situation shows use of the Experiential approach in the classroom
1 point
17. Which of the following represent numerals?                              
1 point
18. Mrs. Khanna, a grade 2 teacher, always ensures that learners copy work from the board in notebooks. She has a very disciplined class and there is always pin drop silence. What approach is this?
1 point
19. Which helps develop quantification better?
1 point
20. Which of the following are important classroom conversations that can be used as teaching learning materials?                                                                                       
1 point
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