Quiz GATE 2020 (Test over but you can attempt without being evaluated)
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Number of operations in multiplying a MxN matrix with NxO matrix is
4 分
In a college placement where 100 students are attending, a company came and offered 50 lakh package to one student which was more than double the previous highest. Which of the following statements is TRUE as a result of this offer?
4 分
The _______ amount I deposited got doubled in 4 years. Choose the most appropriate word to fill here
2 分
If it rains you'll get wet. If you get wet, you are not carrying umbrella. From these two statements what can be inferred?
4 分
Which of the following notations is most relevant for finding the best algorithm for a problem?
4 分
List the innermost loop code of bubble sort
6 分
If the probability of a day being rainy is 0.1, what is the probability that a given day is a raining Sunday?
4 分
The minimum number of people required in a room so that the probability of at least 2 of them having birthday on the same day of week is at least 25% is ____
6 分
Inorder to reach the destination on time, David doubled his speed midway and reached the destination in 2 hours as expected. If the total distance he traveled is 200 kms, what was his original speed (rounded to nearest integer in kmph)?
6 分
Out of 10 items in a dataset one is increased by 10%. What happens to the GEOMETRIC MEAN of the dataset?
4 分
When will you use Big Theta notation as supposed to Big O?
6 分
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