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FBCW Writing Circle Request + Facilitator Intake
The Federation of BC Writers is seeking online Writing Circle facilitators for our next intake! Please complete this form if you are interested in facilitating a Writing Circle. Email Meaghan Hackinen at if you have any questions. Visit
to view current Writing Circles.
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* Indicates required question
Who or what is this group for (community group, specific demographic, genre, area of focus)
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Please tell us what you would like the group to accomplish. (writing check-in, motivation, accountability, critique, discussion, etc)
Your answer
Are you willing to facilitate the group? (2+ hours per month commitment)
Do you have any experience facilitating a writing group?
Yes, in-person
Yes, online
Yes, online and in-person
No, this will be a new role for me
Additional notes (any other info you think we should know)
Your answer
We currently host Writing Circles on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm, and the 4th Thursday of the month at 11 am will open up. Are you available on either of these dates?
Yes, 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7 pm
Yes, 4th Wednesday of the month at 7 pm
Yes, either Wednesday
Yes, 4th Thursday of the month at 11 am
No, those times do not work with my availability
If you selected "No" to above, please suggest some times that would fit your schedule and we will add them to our waitlist.
Your answer
Do you have another other questions or information you'd like to share?
Your answer
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