State of AAC in 2024
Thank you for your help with this project! The State of AAC is an annual report that combines information from experts, research and the general community to create a birds-eye view of the status of the AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) industry over the last year. Your contribution to this project will make a big difference, and we will include everyone who'd like to be included in a special thank-you section of the report.

There is enough happening in the AAC industry each year that it can be hard for everyone to keep up. We have seen first-hand how knowledge and proficiency in AAC implementation and strategy is not evenly distributed  around the country or the world. This report is part of our ongoing effort to address those shortcomings.

We are collecting responses from AAC users, family members, therapists, aides and anyone else involved in the world of AAC! We would appreciate any help you can provide. All fields are optional and open-ended, so please share what you can and to the level of detail that works for you!

Please share this survey in your online or private communities, the more people who contribute the greater the impact we can have!
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What are the most common AAC apps or systems you saw or used in 2023? Please list 5 or less.
What are the most impactful AAC apps or systems you saw used in 2023? Please list 5 or less.
What are the most common AAC vocabulary/board sets (including grid sizes) you saw or used in 2023? If an app only has one vocabulary set without a name, or you don't know, just list the app instead. Please list 5 or less.
Are there any new or upcoming AAC systems or strategies that you think would be worthwhile to bring to people's attention?
What are the top items (if any) in your AAC Wish List for 2024 and beyond?
What crazy ideas (if any) do you have for the future of AAC?
Can you think of any references to, or examples of, AAC use in popular culture or mainstream media in the past year?
Do you know of anyone who you consider important to the field of AAC who passed away since the start of 2023 and deserves recognition for their efforts?
What trendy or promising areas of AAC focus or research (if any) have you seen grow in importance or awareness recently?
What blogs, podcasts or other publications (if any) would you consider particularly important to the current state of AAC?
Based on your experiences, how would you say most people receive or react to AAC users over the past year?
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Based on your experiences, how would you say the people's perception of AAC users has changed over the past year?
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What online communities (if any) related to AAC would you consider important or useful in 2024?
What web sites (if any) do you currently send people to who are looking for learning modules or resources related to AAC?
What presenters or authors do you feel deserve particular recognition for their contributions to the field of AAC in 2023?
Is there anything else you feel would be important to include in a summary report on AAC, now or in the future?
If you feel comfortable, please share where you live or work (country, and region/state).
If you would like to be included in the public shout-out/thank-you for this project, please include your name or organization.
If you would like to be included in the public shout-out/thank-you for this project, please include a URL to your organization or online resource, if any, that you would like shared.
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