Fall 2019 Guitar Club Signup (Beginner and Advanced)
This form will serve as the participation slip to enroll in Kilmer Elementary's Guitar Clubs for Fall 2019.  Please complete a separate form for each student participating if you have multiple children.  At this time, Guitar Club is only being offered to 3rd through 6th grade Kilmer students.  We will be meeting BEFORE school from 8-9 am, and will be aiming for smaller group sizes of 15 students so that we can make better progress.  Beginner Guitar Club will meet Monday mornings, Advanced will meet Wednesday mornings.  All sections will begin meeting the week of October 14th.  The cost to participate is $50, which will need to be brought to the front office before your student is considered to be fully enrolled.  We will meet weekly on Monday/Wednesday whenever school is in session until our concert on December 13th at 6 PM in the Kilmer Gym.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Parent Phone Number *
Student's Name *
Beginner or Advanced *
Student's Grade and Homeroom Teacher *
What guitar will the student be using? *
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