"Thank You" Page for Sashiko Retreat 2024

Thanks to your support on Patreon/GiveButter, I am able to continue sharing Sashiko Stories. I have created a webpage to share photos, videos, and personal reflections that I prefer to keep more private.

(Please do not share this link with others.)

Address for Postcard:
For Patreon members with more than one year of support (including those with annual subscriptions), I would love to send you a postcard from Japan. An option for this is also available on GiveButter.

Souvenir from Japan:
Please let me know your preference for a souvenir when you supported the Sashiko Retreat on GiveButter.

**For email verification, please provide the email address you used for Patreon or GiveButter. I will not be able to send postcards or souvenirs if the email address does not match.

Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/sashiko
GiveButter Page: https://givebutter.com/AgWU7k

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Please let me know your Mailing Address for PostCard 
Please be noted that I won't be able to send the PostCard if the below condition isn't met.

For Patreon Supporters: More than 1 year of Subscription
For Give Buetter: $20.00+ Support
Preference for Sourvenir From Japan
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