The Power of Rest:  Six Week Restorative Series
January 7, 14, 21, 28th and February 4 and 11th
1-1:45 p.m. EST
Zoom link will be emailed to all registrants 48 hours prior to first class

The Power of Rest:
What’s the secret behind having a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life? It’s not such a mystery - it’s built of daily habits, choices, and a clear connection to the purpose in one's heart. So first we need to connect with who we are and who we are not. In this six week series we will learn how to offer self-compassion in this time of uncertainty and challenge. We will practice resting an overactive mind and learn to be, so that we can create healthy boundaries in our lives that allow us to fully show up. There will be bite sized tips to integrate in daily life, exercises that support moving through fear, anxiety, and loneliness to reclaim power, peace, and joy. Everybody is welcome - from your desk at work, to your couch at home - join in!  While it is not a requirement to join all six sessions, we believe consistent attendance will offer the most benefit.

For this series, bring a notebook and a pen to the computer and show up fully for yourself - that's it!

The following questions will be shared with CMU organizer, Angie Lusk, and Eliza Bishop, series facilitator, to best align course content. Eliza's Bio: Eliza was introduced to Iyengar Yoga in 2002 while completing her undergraduate academic degree at Carnegie Mellon University. Grateful for the relief from chronic back and neck pain, Eliza grew to appreciate the insight yoga offers into the connections between physical, mental, and emotional patterns and its value as a tool for developing the mind. In 2008, Eliza made her first trip to India to study with living lineage masters. During these years in India, Eliza also undertook Buddhist study courses, completed meditation retreats, and continues these practices, as an integrated part of her daily life. Eliza also enjoys working with language and has published a full length book of poetry, regularly has articles or poems appear in journals and magazines, and currently works as an editor and proofreader for the Namchak Foundation. Eliza guides yearly retreats, has a podcast "Beyond Bones, Kitchen Table Conversations with a Doctor and her Yoga Teacher," is highly invested in working privately with clients to change their mindsets, and she is invested in continually learning along these paths of transformation.

First Name *
Affiliation with CMU *
Will you be attending this at work or at home? *
What state/country will you be joining us from? *
On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your current stress level? *
No stress
Overwhelming stress (distracts from daily functions)
Are you ready to make small, consistent changes in your life to further support your holistic health and well-being? *
What topics are you most interested in seeing explored in this series?
Do you have any accommodation needs we should be attending to in the planning of this series?
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