Archive Request Form - Interview content
This form is for an interview content request. Please note that interview content will be provided by Emelia Kenlock. We aim to respond within 48 hours but it may take up to five working days. If your request is urgent, please state that in the last box below. 
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Email *
Name  *
This is the full name of the person making the request 
Organisation (if applicable)
Please note your job title/role 
Phone number *
Website address
Do you have a budget for the interview participation?  (E.g. For TV, radio interviews or any other request that requires a fee, compensation or expenses to be covered. Please note: There is no fees for certain request such as student research and news article quotes etc)
Date you would like to do the interview  *
What date will the interview be published or be aired? *
What type of interview would you like to do? Please note that Neil is  *
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