Cannabis Forum 2020 (Testimonials)
[Get 20% with your testimonial! NOTE: Testimonials must be at least three sentences long in order to receive the 20% off discount code.You must submit your testimonial by March 1, 2021 to be eligible. Your code will be valid through April 1, 2021.]

Thanks so much for joining us for the Cannabis Forum powered by the Avant-Garde Network! We would love to get a testimonial from your about your experience with us!  Please submit your response below

Your testimonial is important as it informs our future partners, speakers, sponsors, attendees and hosts for the upcoming Cannabis Forum events!

Feel free to write whatever you like, but we included a few questions below to help guide your response.

1. What are you overall thoughts about the Cannabis Forum?
2. Did you think the event was highly informative and substantive?
3. Did you learn information that you did not know before?
4. Did you received value over and above what you paid?
5. Would you attend the conference again and bring friends/colleagues?

*Please note: Please provide at lease your initials, if you don't want to share your full name when sharing your testimonial

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