Seagull Leadership Application 2022-2023
Hello! Seagull Leadership International is a nonprofit organization run solely by students, and our mission is to inspire students to connect with communities around the world using their skills and creativity to promote cultural diversity and guide underprivileged people toward a brighter future. Some of our events include charity shows, visiting the senior center, fundraising for child sponsoring, and cultural exchange programs. For more information, please check out our website:

Middle School applicants that are new to the officer board are only able to apply to be a member (Committee Member).

If you are interested in becoming a part of our team, please complete this form, and we will review them shortly. As an officer, we expect you to be dedicated to your role and be open minded to the rest of the team. Good luck!
Email Address *
Full Name
Ex: American High School
Grade *
Phone Number
Ex: (800) 123-4567
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