Radio & TV Course Application
Thank you for your interest in Penn's Radio & TV courses.  We have three levels: an introductory course, an advanced course, and an Internship.  To enroll in the advanced class or the Internship, please answer the following questions.
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E-mail *
The Penn News Network
Your first name *
Your last name *
Tell us something about you. *
Why are you thinking of taking the Radio & TV elective class? *
Please share something you have created (by providing a link to it as well as a description). A video, a photo, a screenshot, a presentation, a paper, a collection of work such as a portfolio, a social media post, or anything you want.  Explain how you made it what you learned from it.
The Penn News Network offers the voice of the student body.  Being a reporter for PNN is an important responsibility, and the work you do directly affects the community you serve. As a reporter for Penn News Network, you will be responsible for writing and producing stories of your own in addition to assisting the team in producing a show each week. Your role as a reporter/editor/broadcaster for this organization has many dimensions, and it is not always easy work. *
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