Urban Mobility App
This interview is a part of the "Empathize" phase of the Design Thinking Challenge that I am working on for the UX/UI Bootcamp at Ironhack. I appreciate your participation. :)

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
What city do you live in?
How old are you?
WHY do you use public transportation?
HOW MANY different types of public transportation do you normally use? WHAT are they and HOW often do you use them?  
WHAT type of ticket do you usually purchase? Does the ticket include all types of transportation that you need to use? And are you happy with how it works?
WHERE and HOW do you usually purchase your tickets? WHY?
WHAT problems have you encountered so far when purchasing tickets?
What about when you travel abroad? HOW do you go about purchasing tickets? WHY?  
WHAT problems have you encountered so far when purchasing tickets abroad?
Do you prefer to use tickets physically (ex: cards) or digitally (ex: on your phone)? WHY?
Are you happy with the tools and apps you use? WHAT would you change or add to them and WHY?
Besides standard public transports, do you use any other shared options such as scooters, bicycles or cars? On WHAT occasion and WHY?
WHAT is the best urban mobility app you have used so far and WHY?
Thank you for your time! :)
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