Dear Work Crew Applicant,
We are thrilled that you're interested in serving at The Great Escape Northeast! Work Crew are indispensable to creating a welcoming atmosphere for middle schoolers to encounter Christ, as well as making sure the needed grunt work of setting up games, skits, recreation, and kitchen service all get done.
Some details to know:
- Work Crew must be entering a minimum of 11th grade.
- Work Crew will assist in a variety of tasks. This includes helping serve and clean up meals, working in the kitchen, helping in sessions with skits and dances, helping set up and run recreation activities, and helping at adventure activities. You must have graduated high school or be 18 years old to be a part of this team
- Camp will be held at NorthBay Adventure Center in North East, MD from July 2-6, 2025.
- Work Crew should expect to arrive at NorthBay at noon on July 2 to prepare for a 5:00pm checkin time for campers. Work Crew will be able to leave NorthBay by noon on July 6 after ensuring all tear-down and cleanup is finished.
- We cannot provide transportation to or from NorthBay. However, we can help to coordinate carpooling!
- We are asking Work Crew to pay $200 to offset their housing and meal costs for the week. If cost is a concern, please contact us and we will help offer alternatives or solutions!
- All applications need to be completed by May 1, 2025.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Work Crew Bosses: Caleb Jones ( or Grace deMaine (