Panther Staff Information 2020/2021
Thank you in advance for sharing a little about yourself and your favorite things. This will help guide our snacks and celebrations for this year's journey.  Please complete this Google form by Friday, August 7, 2020 at noon.
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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Birthday *
Please provide your birthday:  month and day (you don't need to include the year)
House Number and Street Address: *
*Please include apartment number if you live in an apartment or condo. ex) 2110 Central Park Drive OR 2200 Fancy Avenue #A100
Cell Phone Number: *
 *Include area code and number: ex) 972-494-8911
Alternate Phone Number:
Please indicate type of number. ex) 469-123-456 home
Grade Level or Position *
20-21 Staff Shirts
T-Shirt Size *
T-Shirt - V-neck or Round Neck
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Certification areas (professional staff only):
Please check all that apply to you.
College Alma mater
We are proud of the work you have done to get where you are. Brag about your college and the degree you earned!
Outside my passion for teaching, I am also passionate about:
Please tell us about other talents and gifts you possess.
15 Minutes of Fame!! I prefer to be recognized:
Clear selection
I most appreciate recognition when given by:
Select which best describes from whom you like to receive recognition.
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Favorite Salty Munchies:
ex) Pretzels, Chex mix, Cheez-its, etc. (1 or 2 items)
Favorite Sweet Treat:
ex) M&M's, anything chocolate, Twix, peanut butter cups, sour patch kids! (1 or 2 items)
Favorite Sonic Drink:
Favorite sports team(s):Professional or college.
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