Image Consent Form 2024
Our Club requests your permission for photographic and/or video images of your child/children to be taken during our Club activities.  These would be used for the purpose of promoting soccer and our Club.  We also seek your permission for the club to publish these images.  If you give your permission, the Club may publish images of your child/children in a variety of ways, such as online and hard copy Club newsletters, Club websites and local newspapers.  If published, people outside the Club community would also be able to view the videos, photographs and/or other images.  If you sign the attached form it means that you agree to the following:

• International Soccer Club is able to publish images of your child/children as many times as it requires in the ways mentioned above

• Your child’s image may be reproduced either in colour or in black and white

• Any images captured by the Club will be kept for no longer than is necessary for the
  above-mentioned purposes and will be stored and disposed of securely

If you agree to permit International Soccer Club to capture images of your child/children, and to publish images of your child, in the manner detailed above, please complete the consent form below and return it to the Club.  Please note that players first and last names will be published.

If you agree to permit the Club to capture images of your child/children and such an image is used on the Club website or digital/social media, you can request the removal of the specific image at any time.

This consent, if signed electronically via this form, will remain effective until such time as you advise the Club otherwise.

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