Please fill in the following information to help us learn about those in our church family who are graduating so that we can celebrate with them.  Please take a moment to fill out this form to share about your future plans and to help First Church stay in touch with you.    

If you are a high school graduate please also fill out the Adopt -a- Grad form to be included in our student adoption program for those in their first years post-high school:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name of Graduate *
Graduates Email Address
Please share the email you would like the church office to have
Graduating From
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Name of School:
School you are graduating from
Degree Earned:
Planning to attend:
If continuing education in your next step, what school you are planning to attend?
Employment/Branch of Service
If employment or a branch of the military is your step, please share where you will be next?
Degree being pursued/ future plans: *
Length of degree or anticipated graduation (Month/Year)
If you are attending a school or enlisting for a period of time
Current Address
Please help us keep our church records up-to-date
New Address
If you will have a different address as you start school/employment/military, please share it if you know it.  
Thank you for letting us celebrate with you in your accomplishments!
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