Coast to Cascades COVID19 * Volunteer Form
Coast to Cascades Mutual Aid is a volunteer-led support system started on the Oregon coast that provides groceries, supplies & money to people who can't leave their homes during the COVID-19 crisis.  

Immediately, we are providing grocery and supply deliveries, and cash support for those most affected. We prioritize the people most impacted, for example, those in quarantine, the immunocompromised, elderly, disabled, POC, LGBT, single parents, rural people, undocumented, houseless, farmers, migrant workers, and all who feel the brunt of this pandemic.

...We are currently preparing to expand this effort to include isolation reduction, running errands, offering pet care, childcare, farm to table deliveries, caregiving, unschooling efforts, homeschooling support, and mental/emotional support. CONTACT US for those services: 

************INFO for volunteers ************

We are currently building a much larger volunteer base to cover an enormous geographic area from the Coast to the Cascades (and now, in our neighboring states of WA and CA as well) to get as many helped as we can.  We will do our very best to reach out to our volunteers within 5 days. (We had immediate turnaround on replies but have since become slammed with requests and volunteers - this is aa good thing! We need more volunteers!)

!!! You can only perform deliveries if you are feeling healthy, are displaying no symptoms, have not traveled out of the country or come in contact with a sick person in the past 14 days, and have been PRACTICING SOCIAL DISTANCING.

In order to ensure as little community spread of Covid19 as possible. We ask that all volunteers agree to the following:

- You are not experiencing any symptoms of illness. Including MILD cold symptoms.

- You have not, to your knowledge, been in the presence of anyone experiencing symptoms of COVID19 in the last two weeks- including mild symptoms.

- You are consistently practicing safe hygiene habits and will continue to do so throughout your time as a volunteer.

- You are consistently practicing social distancing and will do so throughout your time as a volunteer. This includes avoiding all social contact that is not absolutely essential.

**If you are still working in a crowded office or participating in events outside of your home, your volunteer energy could be better utilized in non-face-to-face capacities: this could include donating money, sharing information on community resources, offering online or phone emotional support**

- If you do become ill with ANY SYMPTOMS or diagnosed with COVID-19, you will notify organizers right away so that we may work to ensure as little community spread as possible. EMAIL:

Since this is a constantly-developing situation, everything is subject to change. We know it’s a tricky time to be outside - so thank you,  all of you signing up to be volunteers are the best of the best. This work is flexible and on an as-needed basis, so please sign up even if you’re not sure what your life will look like in a week or two. We’re all in the same boat.

Once you sign up, we’ll contact you when requests in your neighborhood(s) come in. After you confirm a request, we’ll give you further details and put you in touch with the recipient.

...........Have questions or want to get in touch?..........

Coast to Cascades Mutual Aid at:
Email for Coast to Cascades:

The campaign for helpers to raise donations:




Volunteer with our crew form:

Request support, groceries, direct cash aid:

Grocery and supply deliveries are WAY up in the following Oregon counties:


(Note that Multnomah, Columbia, Clackamas, Hood River, Deschutes, and Klamath Counties have COVID-19 resources in place. Our original focus is on people in counties that do not have access to other local efforts. However, folks in all counties that have attempted to get mutual aid support elsewhere and have not received it (for whatever reason), can sign up to volunteer to help expand these efforts, and can apply for mutual aid support with us.)

** Update: We are expanding this effort to include Washington and California. When our goals are met here, we will continue to expand to reach as much of the country as possible. In order to do that, we must expand our volunteer base. So thank you for signing up! **


>>>>>> This is the volunteer form.<<<<<<<<<<

 If you have supplies or groceries to donate directly or gas cards, please email so we can pick them up or help you get them to us by mail:

Join us in relieving people during this difficult time.
Let's help each other through this.

Volunteer, or contribute to this effort if you can do so without financial hardship. If you, your loved ones, or your neighbors should need a hand in the future, know that together, we are here to support them. Share this effort with everyone you know so we can get as many volunteers as possible to serve all counties.
Let’s take care of each other. By us for us.

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Vamos a cuidarnos unes a otres. Por nosotres, para nosotres.
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Safety Agreement - HygieneWe ask that volunteers agree to the following:-Whenever possible, I will perform all volunteer duties while wearing latex or other disposable gloves. - If this is not possible, I will wash my hands or use hand sanitizer before and after touching any items (groceries, toys, etc) or household infrastructure (doorknobs, doorbells) that will be touched by the community member.- I will wash my hands in between shopping, delivering, after using the restroom, etc. - I agree NOT TO TOUCH any people during my volunteering, including cashiers or people receiving deliveries. This includes no handshakes, no hugs, no fistbumps, no elbow bumps. I will keep 6 feet of distance. *
Do you agree to meticulous hygiene practices, including hand-washing, latex gloves, hand sanitizer, and sanitizing wipes? * *
Safety Agreement - Social Distancing. To volunteer, you must agree to the following:  I will do everything I can to avoid face-to-face contact and will work with the people I serve to arrange a contact-less drop-off.  I will maintain social distancing of six feet or more from the community member I am serving at all times.-  If I am asked to deliver an item inside of a person's home, I will wait until they have moved the appropriate distance away before setting the item down. - I will practice consistent social distancing in all circumstances through the duration of my volunteer work in this effort. *
Do you agree to practice extremely cautious social distancing at all times, including during volunteering? *
Volunteer Agreement- Respect & Confidentiality
 I understand that I will be provided with personal information - name, contact information, address - and that this information is to be treated with strict confidentiality for the protection of those receiving support through our mutual aid group.

 I will not use any information obtained as a volunteer for purposes other than picking up groceries and supplies and making the delivery

I will not share any identifying information about the recipient of my delivery with anyone

I will refrain from posting images on social media of the neighborhoods and individuals I am serving

I will trust that each person making a request knows their own needs.

I will not pass judgment on the individuals I am volunteering to assist.
Can you agree to make deliveries without judgment and keep recipient information confidential? *
Do you have access to a vehicle? *
Note: you must be healthy to be a volunteer. Please check the following boxes to affirm: *If you have questions about any of this, please do not check the box and add your comments in the "notes" section. *
What is your name? Add your pronouns, too, if you want! *
If you have one, please post a link to LinkedIn/Facebook/Twitter/IG profile, so we can verify your identity
List any relevant mutual aid or other voluntary work or actions you've been a part of. If none, leave blank.
How can we get in contact with you? *
Please give several options if possible. We need to be able to reach you to coordinate and match you to addresses / people in your area.
What is your phone number?
Please include your area code. Leave this field blank if you do not have a phone number.
What is your email address? *
If you do not have access to a vehicle, and public transportation is available and not shut down, how far are you willing to walk from bus lines? Carrying how much weight?
Feel free to include notes like "I use a bike" or "I can carry a large box from the bus stop about 1 mile" or "I want to buddy up with someone who has a car."
[image is two stick figure people carrying a box]
[image is two stick figure people carrying a box]
Do you need to be paid for your transportation or time? *
We want to ensure that those who want to provide mutual aid do not face undue burden. We are gathering gas cards and fundraising dollars to make sure those who need it, have it!
Would you like to help pay for the groceries / supplies? *
Again, we want to ensure that those who want to provide mutual aid do not face undue burden and we absolutely do not expect you to spend money if you are financially limited. We have a Chuffed crowdfunding campaign set up to raise money for groceries and volunteer time. Because this is a grassroots effort by a collection of individuals, we seek everyone healthy and able who can deliver and can contribute. If you want to volunteer to gather supplies and bring them to people, but do not have the money to get those items and/or deliver them, please continue to sign up. Funds will be availablel. Please select one.
What type(s) of money transfer work for you?
[Image is drawing of a stack of three wads of green bills.]
[Image is drawing of a stack of three wads of green bills.]
Are you comfortable picking up prescriptions? *
We will help coordinate any paperwork needed and pharmacy location.
[Image is an orange pill bottle with a white lid and a sticker that says "Rx" in blue.The background is a teal circle.]
[Image is an orange pill bottle with a white lid and a sticker that says "Rx" in blue.The background is a teal circle.]
Are you 21+ with a valid driver's license or ID? How about an ID card or school-issued ID? You can be under 21 to volunteer, we just need to be able to match people with those requesting support.  Select one or add your own comment for clarification. *
[image is of two sample Oregon Driver's License cards, with faces blurred]
[image is of two sample Oregon Driver's License cards, with faces blurred]
Do you agree to trust that each person making a request knows their own needs? Can you agree to make deliveries without judgment? *
(We will not ask anyone to buy or deliver anything considered illegal.) If your answer is "Yes, except..." please select Other and list the specific supplies or groceries you are uncomfortable buying / delivering.
What city and county do you live in? *
What counties or neighborhoods would you prefer to DELIVER to? Please be specific and include any and all you are willing to deliver to. Neighborhood names within counties are very helpful! For example, select a county and/or using the "other" space, drop a note telling us which counties or neighborhoods within a county you can deliver to.   *
Neighborhoods are listed approximately south to north. If you are in/near Tacoma, contact the Tacoma Mutual Aid Collective (TMAC) for opportunities to help out.
[image is a map of Oregon state with western oregon counties Coast to Cascades Mutual Aid is supporting in blue]
[image is a map of Oregon state with western oregon counties Coast to Cascades Mutual Aid is supporting in blue]
Generally, what times are you available?
You may also leave more specific day and time schedules in the "Other" write in box.
What languages do you speak? Are you able to help us translate writing? Could you interpret a conversation in person or by phone? *
This includes spoken and/or sign languages.
[Image is a collection of multi-colored speech bubbles that say "Hello!" in many languages.]
[Image is a collection of multi-colored speech bubbles that say "Hello!" in many languages.]
Do you have any accessibility needs you want to share, or need anything else to feel safe providing deliveries?
Do you have other skills you would be willing to provide?
We are currently expanding the types of mutual aid we offer.  These might include transportation, unschooling or "homeschooling support", emotional support, household assistance, childcare, dog walking, pet-sitting, etc. Please note access details when possible, like: are you able to be scent-free ( Do you have a wheelchair accessible van? Are you an unschooler, teacher, or another type of learning facilitator? Do you enjoy animals? Are you a therapist or counselor? Tell us any skills you can offer to this mutual aid support group (or leave blank if you're interest is soley in delivering groceries and supplies to people's front doors. And thank you!)
Any additional specifications, comments, or questions?
Thank you again for taking the time to fill out our Coast to Cascades Mutual Aid volunteer form!  This is a large effort covering an enormous amount of space in Oregon (and now CA and WA!). We will match you as soon as we can and with as much prior notification as possible. You're encouraged to organize your own support networks, too! People need all the help they can get in these uncertain times. Thank you!
Once you’ve submitted your volunteer form a volunteer coordinator will contact you. You will be asked to review and sign our Volunteer Agreement and be given our safety protocols. Our volunteer coordinators will then match you with a person in need.

We are doing our utmost to mitigate viral transmission. As a result, all volunteers will receive safety information.

No body is disposable.
No person that needs help should go without help.

With Love,
Coast to Cascades Western Oregon Covid19 Mutual AId
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