Alliance Information
This form MUST be completed by July 17th. (3:00pm LOCAL TIME)
Only the Lead Team should submit this document.
Working with the International Space Station and its crew requires a lot of planning and vetting.  By completing the information below you are helping us to better prepare the astronauts for a smooth finals event.
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Alliance Name
This is the newly created team name that represents your Alliance.
Who is in your Alliance?
List the original team names here:
Alliance Introduction (please provide a brief introduction for your alliance.  2 - 3 sentences MAX.  This is what the  Astronaut will say when introducing your alliance and its code) *
Questions for the Astronaut: Student name, team name
(Example:  Have you ever experienced space debris impacting the Space Station?  Katie Magrane, Team Innovation Learning Center)

Max 5 Questions: We are collecting a few questions from students to ask astronauts.  Not all questions will be answered but we hope to get some interesting questions and responses.
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