Activities booking form
This form should be completed in full by all participants of all activities.
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Adreça electrònica *
Name of the group organiser *
Please enter the name of the person who made the initial booking, this could be you.
Name of participant *
All details in this form refer to the person named here, if you are completing this on behalf of your child/ren aged under 18, please enter their name and complete the form on their behalf.
Contact Number *
Address *
Date of Birth *
Emergency Contact Name *
Please enter the details of someone who is NOT taking part in the activity with you.
Where are you staying/travelling from? *
Why do we need this information?  As we use different locations around the island and the activities are weather dependant, we sometimes change locations and need to take kit to venues and meet customers there. Having an idea of where customers are staying/travelling from helps us decide whether it's better for customers to call in to collect kit from the centre or whether we need to send out size charts.  Just the area you're staying/travelling from will be fine.
Emergency Contact Number *
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