Thank You for Signing Up!

Are you looking to enhance your prayer life in a deeper, more meaningful way? Join us for our Prayer Training Course! This 5-week in-person prayer course is designed to better your understanding about prayer while bringing you into a more intimate relationship with God.

Classes will occur in-person every Sunday at 8:45AM - 10AM, beginning on June 4th - July 2nd at Harvest Church, 5889 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News, VA 23605. 

Sign-up via the RSVP below by Tuesday, May 30th!

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What is your Name? (First Name Last Name) *
Please write your name as you would like it printed on your training certificate.
Please provide your primary phone number.  *
Please confirm that you are over the requested age of 16 for this course. *
Are you a partner of Harvest Church? *
Note: This question is for informational purposes only.
Please comment below with any additional questions or concerns you may have about the course - we are here to help!
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