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Calling All Trendsters ☎️
Our annual subscriber survey is a chance for us to get to know you, and learn how to make Trends better for you.
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What best describes your business title?
Business owner
Founder or co-founder
C Suite/Executive
Director level
Manager level
What's your industry?
Your answer
What are the top 3 reasons you read Trends?
Research on the latest trends to keep me in the loop
Actionable business ideas I can implement
Tools/templates/advice I can use for my career
Practical insights from operators that help grow my business
Personality-driven storytelling that I won’t find elsewhere
Which section(s) of Trends do you enjoy the most?
Where to build next (trends and business ideas)
Our latest obsession (a weird mix of culture, data, and internet antics )
Operator wisdom (stories and lessons from entrepreneurs)
Open tabs (link to other fun reads)
The content offer (templates, tools, downloadables, etc.)
On a scale of 1-4, how valuable is this newsletter to you? (4 being most valuable and 1 being least valuable)
What topics do you want to see more of in Trends?
Buzzy tech: AI, fintech, SaaS, consumer apps...
Deep tech: Privacy, cybersecurity, IoT, chips...
Traditional biz: Cleaning, manufacturing, agriculture, roofing…
Consumer trends: Generational difference, food, health, lifestyle...
Social media: Viral or unique trends on social
How do you feel about Trends’ current format?
I like it the way it is
I want shorter articles
I want shorter articles in the newsletter, but link out to longer pieces
I want long articles in the newsletter
Which stage are you in in terms of b
uilding a business?
No plans to build – just here to enjoy the content!
I want to build, but no clear timeframe yet
I plan to build in the next year
I’m actively building now
I’ve built multiple businesses
Bonus: If you want to share what you're building, give us the elevator pitch, and your email – you might get featured on Trends!
Your answer
Anything else you want us to know?
Your answer
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