Church Mental Health Readiness Assessment
Take this assessment to determine your church’s level of mental health readiness. After completing the assessment, explore the Church Mental Health Readiness Next Steps resource to find the best next steps for your church to take in getting more equipped.
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How would you describe your church's level of mental health readiness?
Does your church have an official congregational care ministry that engages with and intentionally helps people with behavioral health issues?  *
Does your church have a behavioral health residential component of some kind for addictions, sex trafficking, trauma survivors, homeless, etc? *
Does your church have a referral list of clinical options outside of your organization? *
What is your church's level of training for your lay volunteers?  *
What is your church's level of mental health DNA? (select all that apply): (i.e. mental health awareness, discussion, prevention, skills, and help incorporated into other church ministries.) *
How many support or affinity peer-led groups does your church have? (i.e. Divorce Recovery, addiction support/recovery group, Grief Share, etc.) *
What is your church's crisis response time of getting back to the person in need? *
What are your church's policies, procedures, and administrative process around your behavioral health ministry/services?  *
Does your church have individuals with mental health training? (Biblical Counselors, Pastoral Counselors, Chaplains, etc) *
What types of Explorers can your church engage, triage, and help move toward healing?
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