Capital City Soccer Show Listener Survey
We want your feedback so we can make the show that you want to hear!
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How often do you listen to the Capital City Soccer Show?
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How often would you like to see a new episode published?
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In your opinion, episodes of the Capital City Soccer Show are generally:
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What is your ideal length for a podcast?
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When deciding whether or not you will listen to a given episode of the Cap City Soccer Show, which of the following factors is more influential?
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Do you like hearing us talk about non-soccer topics occasionally?
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If you answered yes on the previous question, what topics would you want to hear us talk about? (TV/Movies, local culture, beer, general happenings?)
What other soccer podcasts do you listen to?
Are there any additional features/segments that you would like to see added to the Capital City Soccer Show?
Now time for some constructive criticism. Is there anything about the show that you don't like or would like to hear less of? (please be gentle)
We plan on reaching out to a few listeners to get some more in-depth feedback about what they want from the show. If you are interested in being contacted, please provide your name and the best way to contact you in the field below. Thanks!
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