PCCH Deacons Care Connection

We are a compassionate community at PCCH, and we want you to know we are here to provide support whenever you need it. 

Life is full of blessings and challenges, and we understand that sometimes it can help to have someone to talk with. Our Deacons are a team of thoughtful and caring individuals who are available to offer a warm human touch, support, and resources.

At PCCH, you are not alone. Our Deacons are always here for you, whether you need assistance or want to share a time of joy or sorrow. 

Please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can help you. 

The Deacons of PCCH

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If you know of someone who might need assistance, please call the church office at 215.247.8855 or email us at info@chestnuthillpres.org.
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