ET Let's Talk | Global CE-5 Event Registration
ET Let's Talk runs a global CE-5 event every month near the new moon.  All around the world, groups of people come together to practice CE-5 meditation and make contact with our Star Friends.

You can host a local small group event by following the Global CE-5 Event instructions.

Register your event every month by filling out this form to list it on the ET Let's Talk homepage and event directory.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Location of the Event *
Please enter the location of the event.  You may enter in the address like 
  • A street address like "123 Sesame St., New York, NY USA",
  • A city in the US like  "Los Angeles, CA"
  • A city outside of the US like "Calgary, Canada"
  • OR simply a state, province, or country name like "California" or "Mexico".
Your Name or the Name of your Group
Please enter your name or the name of your group to be displayed on the map.  For example, if you are personally hosting an event, then write your name like "John Doe".  If you are hosting a CE-5 team event, write your team name like "CE-5 Western Canada".
Expected number of participants (1 or more is ok)
Date your CE-5 Event *
Please enter the date of your CE-5 event.  We try to all do the Saturday closest to the New Moon, but it's okay if you want to host on a different day.
Time of Event
Please enter the time of your event.
Description or Instructions for Event
Please enter any description of the event or instructions you have for participants.
Info Link
If you have an event page or link, please enter it here.
Contact Email Address
If you would like to share an email for people to get in touch with you, please enter it here.
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