2024 Summer Staff Adoption Sign Up
Thank you for considering adoption of one (or more) of our Summer Staff this summer! Your adoption is a commitment of Prayer Support and Financial Support. You have read the details at www.CampBethelVirginia.org/adopt, and now you're ready to sign up!

Complete this form, scroll down, then click SUBMIT at the bottom of this form to send your inquiry.  Kathleen Nettnin will contact you within 7-10 days. Thank you for your help supporting our Summer Staff in their ministry!
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Your name (first and last). *
Your e-mail where we can respond to you.  (We will keep your e-mail private.) *
Phone number where we can respond to you.  Include area code.  (We will keep your number private.) *
What is the name of your congregation, group, family, business, etc.? *
How many Summer Staff is your group hoping to adopt this summer? *
Your estimate. This does NOT lock you in to this commitment, but it helps us plan. We expect to hire about 50 Summer Staff.
What financial amount is your group hoping to commit to the Staff Adoption fund for this summer? *
Your estimate. This does NOT lock you in to this commitment, but it helps us plan. Minimum $100 per staff member, but we hope for at least $300 per staff member. Obviously, more funding is very helpful, and a great reward for our excellent staff!
Do you have any questions or comments?
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