Our Home: Reframing our Stories
Opening in Fall 2023, a new exhibit will highlight photographs from newspapers, specifically from what is now known as the Star Tribune. Photographs from the 1950s to the 1990s, some published, some never before seen by the public, will focus on Native community members, organizations, activities, and events, with particular attention to topics still relevant in the lives of community members today.

If you have any questions please email nai-staff@mnhs.org.

To use this Google form:

1) Enter your email, name and contact information and then check yes or no to allow your stories to be used in the exhibit

2) From there you decide which particular decade(s) to begin with and click NEXT.

3 Once you reach your first image, you have the option to insert text underneath the photo to give details about the image. You can add information under as many photos as you like (You do NOT need to comment on every photograph).

4) From there you can decide on the next decade(s) to go through and click NEXT

5) When you’re finished looking through all the photos hit next. This will bring you to the submit page and when you’re ready, click SUBMIT

Submissions will not be sent until SUBMIT is clicked on the final page.

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Email *
Name and Contact Information *
Your contact information will not be shared. We may contact you for more information on your response.
Are you okay with having your story(ies) included in this upcoming exhibit? *
Photo list based on years
Select an era of images to view, then press NEXT.
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