OneQuantum | Africa's Quantum Strides Registration Form
As the whole globe is celebrating World Quantum Day, OneQuantum Africa (OQA) is organising a special event where we showcase the current status of developing the quantum technologies roadmaps. As well as emphasizing the efforts that have been made already towards building a sustainable quantum ecosystem across the continent.
In this event OQA will host African speakers & influencers in a panel discussions with a focus on what needs to be done to harness the distributed strength of Africa and leverage emerging technologies to drive prosperity for all in our continent.

We will be using Zoom online platform to conduct all the sessions; meeting details will be shared later by invitation to the attendees.

Timeline of the event (Central Africa Time CAT):

17:00 - 17:05:  Welcoming Address

17:05 - 17:15: OQA Fostering African Local Communities.

17:15 - 17:30 :A gentle Introduction to what Quantum Tech is. Promising applications & use cases across.

17:30 - 18:25: Panel Discussion session;
AbdulMalek Baitulmal , Malak Elghariani, Conrad Haupt, Mainza Kangombe, Gemma Dawson

18:25 - 18:30: Closing Remarks

18:30 - 19:30 : Cocktail Party; Networking Session

Join the Zoom Meeting Directly here:
Meeting ID: 970 5829 1702
Passcode: 878034

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