Potluck RSVP
MGCI is hosting a cookbook launch party potluck! This is an opportunity to showcase our culinary community and gather cookbook recipes from foods that are shared by potluck attendees. We will have student photographers present to document the various foods and the event itself. Anyone in the school/community who is bringing a dish and/or submitting a recipe is invited to this free event and may bring one guest (a parent or family member).
Please fill out this form as early as possible so that we can properly plan for this event and allocate enough tickets for everyone who wants to attend. Those who are not able to bring a dish can receive one ticket to attend.

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Correo *
Name: *
Email: (if you are an MGCI student, please use your TDSB email) *
I am on the Cookbook Committee *
How many tickets will you require for this potluck (including yourself?) *
First & Last Name of Guest 1 (This is YOU) *
First & Last Name of Guest 2 (This is the family member that you are bringing - put N/A if just one ticket and only you are attending) *
Are you bringing food to the potluck? *
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