MBE Preliminary Paper 2020
Time: 1 hour
There are 50 questions in this paper, answer all the questions.  Full Score is 50 points.
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The suggested answers are prepared by the MBMC Sunday Dhamma School (MSDS) with a view to assist the candidates in their preparation for the Malaysian Buddhist Examination.  While due care is taken in preparation of the answers, if any error or omission is noticed, the same may be brought to the attention of the MSDS.  MSDS is not in anyway responsible for the correctness or otherwise of the answers published herein.
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Q1. The birthplace of Prince Siddhartha was____.
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Q2. A queen named _____ gave birth to Prince Siddhattha Gotama.
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Q3. The Bodhisatta became a Buddha when he was _____ years old.
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4. The Bodhisatta struggled ____ years to attain Buddhahood.
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5. Why did Asita cry after seeing the infant Prince Siddhattha?
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6. Rahula was the only son of Prince Siddhattha Gotama. His mother was ________________.
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7. The youngest Brahmin was the one who ________ of Prince Siddhattha on his name giving day.
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8. Who first knew that the Prince Siddhattha Gotama would become a Buddha in the future?
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9. After Prince Siddhattha saw the four strange sights, he started thinking of ______________.
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10. Which of the following is not the item of the Eight Requisites (Attha Parikkhara)?
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11. Prince Siddhattha left his newborn son and his family because__________________.
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12. After Prince Siddhattha ordained himself, _____ offered robes to Prince Siddhattha?
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13. ________ were among the five monks that attended Bodhisatta during his search for Truth.
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14. What is the meaning of “Siddhattha”?
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15. The Bodhisatta _____ to search for the Truth.
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16. A lady named ______ offered the Bodhisatta some milk rice when he was seated under a banyan tree.
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17. What happened during the Bodhisatta’s second watch before He gained Enlightenment?
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18. Why was the Bodhisatta not satisfied with his teachers’ systems?
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19. King Bimbisara requested ______ after the Bodhisatta refused to accept his kingdom.
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20. Mara is the _____ who approached the Bodhisatta when he was almost on the verge of death.
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21. The five monks were disappointed with the Bodhisatta and leaving him alone because the Bodhisatta gave up __________________.
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22. The Bodhisatta adopted the Majjhima Patipada and gave up the ____________ in order to attain Buddhahood.
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23. The Evil One’s army consisted of ______.
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24. The Awakened One in Pali is ______.
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25. The Bodhisatta gave up fasting and ate some food because _____________.
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26. A person is disappointed because he did not get what he wishes for. Which of the Four Noble Truth apply to that man’s disappointment?
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27. Which of the following is not included in the Four Noble Truths?
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28. The Pali word for the Three Refuges is ____.
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29. We recite Namo Buddhaya before taking the Three Refuges as a mark of ________.
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30. Panca Sila refers to __________.
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31. By observing the ___________, a person becomes very careful and his senses become very clear.
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32. What is the good of giving up killing?
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33. When one observes the precept of giving up lying, one _____________.
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34. A contented person would not _______.
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35. The ways leading to end of suffering include _________.
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36. Which of the following is the item of the Eight Requisites (Attha Parikkhara)?
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37. The Pali term for morality or virtuous conduct is ______.
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38. Musavada Veramani Sikkhapadam Samadiyami” means I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from the following except _________.
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39. The meaning of “Dutiyampi” is _________.
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40. The Pali terms referring to lay Buddhist (male and female) are _______________.
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41. “Adinnadana Veramani Sikkhapadam Samadiyami” is the ____ precept.
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42. The First Noble Truth is _________.
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43. One can become a Buddhist __________.
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44. The Bodhisatta gained his Enlightenment at ____________.
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45. The three kinds of merits are _____.
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46. We seek refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha to end all _____.
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47. When one is offering ______ to theBuddha, one is reflecting on impermanence.
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48. The best way to respect the Buddha is
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49. The meaning of Sadhu is _________.
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50. Which of the following is the teaching of all the Buddhas?
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